Nov 29, 2017
Wait, what's that about a final sacrifice? What the hell is this last vampire? Are our heroes way way too late? Only time will tell.
Nov 22, 2017
It's coming. Boss fights that almost feel final. Our merry army of Demelith slayers has encountered Count Diandell, a powerful bard who knows more magic than any foe thus far. Will Tom's new sword finally explode with power? Will Twee survive a powerful dark spell right to the face? Will Bodhi be forced to live out his...
Nov 15, 2017
Bodhi, Twee, and Tom have ventured across Amynna to gather an army against the Demelith, and now they arrive back at the wood of the Lunar Elves. Goggo the evil faerie is in as good a mood as ever, which probably isn't a good sign given that he is a major creep. Will Bodhi punch an old friend? Will Tom reveal the truth...
Nov 8, 2017
After making the long journey back to the dwarven city of Glorindan, our heroes have made an uncertain acquaintance with Grizma Greycragg, the last royal of the city. Though battle may pause, the social hostilities of Amynna continue as they make difficult negotiations for supplies with the queen and liberate her evil...
Nov 1, 2017
Finally our heroes emerge from the ghostly ring of ghouls to find an ancient battleground that causes concern among the wood elves (WOOD ELVES?) and one of Blaine’s most sincere sponsor ads yet. Will our heroes get sucked beneath the wastes? Will a new non-player character become a new creepy-ass foe? Only time...