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Nerd Poker

Jul 25, 2018

Behold! Our heroes have arrived in Tenchyll, the only mage college that appears to still be standing. And after spending a valuable ingot on their horses, the crew isn't done running their little clinic on how to bribe people into doing what you want by offering them all the wealth you have. Hopefully their pockets...

Jul 18, 2018

It's about that time! Time for our heroes to bring their spoils back from the feywild, but should their bring Netty too? And why was she being a jerk? Oh, and how many days are we from the apocalypse? Dan makes none of these questions easy.

Jul 11, 2018

Don't worry, lovers of elves and commercials, Blaine is back! And these intrepid adventurers needs his help to get out of this creepy pit deep in the feywild. Here's to hoping that they don't encounter anything from those Guardian doors or you know, a Drow assassin clinging the walls waiting to stab them or anything.

Jul 4, 2018

Though Blaine is MIA for one more episode, Chris Tallman returns to steer the usually more passive character Typha! And the crew needs the extra help, as they are now trying to escape the deep underground feywild lake with a gigantic beast chasing them. Hopefully they won't get Twee killed in the process.