Jul 26, 2022
Our wary party has begun their trek into the misty caves, and
it's not long before things get super creepy. Sadly the entire boat
full of heroes isn't along for the dungeon crawl together, but we
get a chance to get to know everyone, even Bunk the Donkeyland
halfling, a little bit better.
For merch, social media, and...
Jul 18, 2022
They haven't even been dropped off at the main quest yet, and
already our crew is getting into spectral boat related mayhem, and
confusing NPCs who may or may not want to join the party. It
remains to be seen whether the party will make it into the
For merch, social media, and more be sure to head...
Jul 12, 2022
It's time to meet a brand new cast of characters, as the season
begins on a boat piloted by a drunken fairy named Goggo, as it
heads to an evil castle. The dreaded king and archlich Vallux lies
within, and it's up to a very ragtag and boisterous crew to stop
For merch, social media, and more be sure to head...
Jul 5, 2022
Before every campaign, there is planning! And we thought that this time we'd let listeners be privvy to all of it. Enjoy hanging out with all of us as we contemplate whether to create new characters, bring back old ones, or create a spin that ties both together (which is what one of us does). Soon these five folks...