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Nerd Poker

Nov 5, 2024

Things are looking grim for The Equaler as he wanders the labryith within Bael. And the rest of our crew continue to hack at Bael's outer parts. Oh consecutive final boss fights, it can't ever be easy can it? 

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Oct 29, 2024

Whoopsie doodle, our fearless leader is trapped inside the minotaur demon Bael and is fighting for control. Meanwhile everyone else is kinda just trying to murder the hell out of Bael. Hopefully that ends well, because this is definitely the last leg of the final battle and it would be a shame to splatter the...

Oct 23, 2024

So uh... if you banish a dragon to another dimension (another dimension, another dimension) then it stands to reason that there will be no consequences. So we should consider this all done! No way anything weird will still happen despite all the infinite death at play!

For merch, social media, and more be sure to head...

Oct 15, 2024

Well now we are probably going to wrap up this lil dragon fight, right? Hmm. Well... probably? Oh wait what did we just do?!

For merch, social media, and more be sure to head to And for 3 bonus episodes a month and more, subscribe to our Patreon at

Oct 8, 2024

Commence Operation: Pillar Babies! Ok we don't call it that within the episode, but the plan is to make pillars collapse around Furlknott the topaz dragon while he investigates his phony baloney non-babies. The big boss fight continues!

For merch, social media, and more be sure to head to And for 3...